Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hondo Soto.

Hondo is happy.
Hondo is pretty.
Hondo is from Flint, Michigan.
Hondo is not a Honda.
Hondo drives a yellow submarine.
I beat him up once, now he's mellower.
His skateboarding is fast and beautiful.
Hondo listens to lots of Gang Starr, but listens more to the man upstairs.
Hondo is faithful to his skateboarding and loves traveling. He is the Top Ramen king and the world's best budgeter.
Hondo is motivated for greatness.
- Kip Sumpter

For the Check Out: Transworld - December 1994 Volume 12 Number 12

Transworld - July 1994 Volume 12 Number 7


Anonymous said...

Oh hell yeah. Even radder than I remember.

--Rikku Markka

Hammer of Justice said...

I used to skate with Hondo when I was a mullet’ed 13 year old on a Caballero. Flint Michigan represent!

Justin said...

That's awesome. This dude was rad.